Arma 3 ambient animations
Arma 3 ambient animations

arma 3 ambient animations

Should allow loading more animations before a CTD. AnimationLoadSignedCrash (default: true) - Fix an improper unsigned/signed conversion.ArcheryDownwardAiming (default: true) - Fix a bug where projectiles sometimes don't fire properly if you're aiming downward.The default of 20 is equal to the default timescale, and is probably OK unless you want the water to appear slower/faster for some reason. WaterflowSpeed (default: 20.0) - Sets the waterflow speed for the animation patch.WaterflowAnimation (default: true) - Decouples water flow animation from in-game timescale, so that decreasing/increasing your timescale doesnt mess with the water animation speed.Fixes the very slow Tree LOD function that causes framerate drops most noticeable in Riften. TreeLODReferenceCaching (default: true) - Requires FormCaching.SleepWaitTimeModifier (default: 0.3) - The in-game default time is 1.0 smaller values speed up the sleep/wait time, higher values slow it down.SleepWaitTime (default: false) - Lets you change the time it takes to sleep or wait.ScrollingDoesntSwitchPOV (default: false) - Makes it so using your scroll wheel won't swap between 1st/3rd person.This functionality is the same as Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE's dll, but they will not conflict. SaveAddedSoundCategories (default: true) - Saves volume settings for mod-added sound categories to a separate ini file.RegularQuicksaves (default: false) - Makes quick saves use the regular save handler.MaxStdio (default: true) - Raises max file handle limit from 512 to 2048, which should fix "False Save Corruption" bug in most cases.FormCaching (default: true) - Caches recently accessed forms.EnableAchievementsWIthMods (default: true) - Enables achievements when you have mods installed.DisableChargenPrecache (default: false) - "Precache Killer" function, duplicated from RaceMenu.CleanSKSECosaves (default: true) - Deletes SKSE cosaves with no matching save on launch.VerboseLogging (default: false) - Enables more verbose logging in the log file.This fixes the mouse bug but technically the menu works fine with keyboard only. Memory Manager patch and Global Time fix highly recommended. Skyrim SafeSave System Overhaul - Rotating save and optional Hardcore mode SOFT REQUIREMENT - ONLY NEEDED IF YOU WANT PARALLAX PrivateProfileRedirector SE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)

arma 3 ambient animations

Implicit - Required for Custom Skills Framework Prelude to Purgatory - A Lich Custom Skill Tree Required for female texture sets to display in first person. So that 1st person texture swaps work properly Hard Requirement, make sure the version matches your version of SKSE. One of the recommended mods in this performance guide If you get black textures on glowmapped stuff AIM FIX - total control over the crosshair for archery and magicįor 1st person texture swaps.

Arma 3 ambient animations